Cartesian Vortices Negated by Newton Through the Doubt Function
Doubt Makes You Think - 'Cogito Ergo Sum' - The Cartesian Presupposition
In Rene Descartes’ famous phrase, Cogito ergo sum, we dropped the prefix of doubt from this thought concept. Few people realize the context that this was written. It should be represented as, “I doubt I think, therefore I am”. Why did we drop the doubt? Purge it like an appendage, an unnecessary extension of cognition? Really? Doubt is a pillar of Reason. Do I really need to justify that claim and how it relates to consciousness? It seems like an impossibility that the “lights” will turn on in the same way without a doubtful, thinking self. AI researchers and number theorists should keep this in mind if replicating human consciousness is their “prime” directive.
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